Monday 5 February 2007

Some Work

Today I got the first reasonable order that I've had for over 3 months. A customer phoned up to say that they were having problems with their automated gates and garage door. They said that they suspected a relay was playing up in the control box.

I went there at 9.00am this morning to appraise the job and came away with an order to entirely replace the control box panel. Mostly to try and make it safe.

Below is a photo of the control box, and when I opened to door you can see why there might be a problem! Whoever did the original installation should be shot, if I had done work like this I would be utterly ashamed, and wouldn't expect any further work to come out of it.

Believe it or not, there is 240V AC of mains voltage 'live' in this box! No wonder there were 'a few problems', I'm surprised they haven't had a fire.

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